Thursday, December 6, 2018

Political Cartoon Analysis

When Amazon Comes to Town - The New York Times

This piece was published created by Patrick Chappatte and published in The New York Times. It is a political cartoon that announces Amazons purchase of Whole Foods company. 

This cartoon shows two small owners in front of their small shops, one open (for now) and one "out of order", looking up to a gargantuan "COMING SOON" poster for the "Amazon Supermarket." This cartoon is full of symbolism and hidden meanings here's my interpretation, enjoy.

Firstly, the small store labeled "Books" has already gone out of order stating Amazon has already monopolized their business and made their small shop obsolete. The cartoon shows with Amazon's addition of Audible which already put out the smaller book company, and now it's showing the inescapable death of the small Grocery market with Amazon's newly announced purchase of Whole Foods. The owner of the closed shop is leaning sadly on their business and is saying the words "Good Luck," this is inferring the second shop is next to close because of the future "Amazon Supermarket" that would dominate his smaller store labeled "Groceries." 

The size of the Amazon billboard is overwhelming compared to the size of the already planted businesses in the illustration, one could say the size is exaggerated. This represents the size and power of Amazon company and the obsolete size of the local businesses. The great power and wealth can easily over-run the smaller stores with minimal effort.

The Amazon billboard is creating a large and exaggerated shadow. This could symbolize the end or darkness encroaching on the small companies. Once the Amazon Supermarket moves in it will strongly shadow the once had business of the small Grocery. The owner of the Grocery seems to be portrayed with a frightened expression in fear of his companies success. 

This political cartoon published by The New York Times makes a negative argument against Amazon's new purchase of Whole Foods and the ways Amazon has negatively impacted small businesses revenue in the past and now their new plans to pursue the Grocery industry will create more devastation of small businesses.